
Beam, media for the youth

In assignment of Beam I worked a week long with a group of children and a Flemish colleague, Jochem, in the city center of Brussels. The theme of the week was 'Superhero's' so the children thought of a story with a monster, a female superhero and three clumsy male superhero's. They acted the story, animated their self-created monster and did some audio-recordings.

Check this link to see the video


Studio de film d'animation - Cine Club

My French is still improving, but to this group of children between the 6 and 10 years old, I managed to give a workshop animation in French! I was asked to give this workshop by Filem'on, part of the collaboration with Cine Club, Brussels.

Cine Club is an initiative of Bains Connective, in collaboration with: Wiels, la Maison de Quartier Saint-Antoine, Filem’on, APOMSA and the Service de PrĂ©vention de Forest.


Workshop Special Effects -Jekino

Jekino provides workshops in film to educate the youth and lets them explore what making a movie is all about. I give these workshops to different ages: from 4 to 18 years old.
A selection of the results after an afternoon 'Special Effects' workshop in assignment of Jekino, at a highschool in Boom. (music by the Gorillaz)